2019 YES! for Schools TTC (Teachers Training Course)

YES! Educator Teachers Training is open to those interested in learning to implement the Youth Empowerment Seminar Curriculum for transforming school climate. YES! TTC is a dynamic, intensive training taught by Bill Herman, visionary and developer of YES! for Schools. YES! provides tools for successful, stress free living for students, teachers, parents and administrators. School teachers are engaged, empowered and inspired to practice techniques of healthy living for themselves, so that they can share these transformative practices with youth to positively affect school climate and student performance. The course focuses on managing stress in healthy ways through breathing and social emotional learning processes which uplift human values such as responsibility, commitment, respect, etc.

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Bill Herman. International Director. Director of YES! Teacher Training. Bill received his BFA and teaching credentials from the Art Institute of Chicago in 1975. In 1982 he received his MFA from the same institution. For more than twenty years, Bill taught photography and art in high schools and colleges across the United States. Inspired by working with youth, Bill initiated and conducted IAHVs first Youth Leadership Training Program (YLTP) in North America in 2001. He organized and taught YLTP in USA, Canada. Mexico, Belize, Haiti, India and Pakistan. After Hurricane Katrina in 2005 Bill organized a YLTP team to organize and deliver trauma relief programs for the people of New Orleans. In 2008 he began inspiring and training teachers to build the Youth Empowerment Seminar (YES!) into the curriculums of schools in North America. Since then he has trained teachers to spread YES! for Schools to many countries around the world including Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Equador, Australia, South Africa, Canada and England as well as the United States. In 2018 in the USA YES! for Schools had reached over 100,000 students in over 188 schools. In the State of Mexico in Mexico and the State of Bahia, in Brazil, state governments have partnered with IAHV to build YES! into the curriculum of all of their schools affecting teachers and students alike. He lives in Chicago and Lake Tahoe, CA with his wife and daughter.


Save these dates:  June 28th-July 6th in Boone, North Carolina!


     2019 YES TTC Application Form
     TTC Recommendation FORM YES Teacher